NextRise Awards 2024
Top Innovator Prize

Enhance your offline space

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Stop Guessing, Start Knowing:
Uncover Hidden Opportunities

PLUS INSIGHT goes beyond sales & inventory. See where visitors go, what catches their eye, and what they almost buy.
Identify missed opportunities and optimize your store layout based on real customer behavior.
Don't guess why your store's underperforming – know exactly where to improve and make data-driven decisions.

Valuable Decision by
Profitable Insights

Forget basic sales figures. PLUS INSIGHT analyzes real customer behavior to pinpoint hidden sales opportunities and optimize your layout for maximum profit.

Faster Decisions by
Real-Time Insights

Ditch outdated reports! PLUS INSIGHT delivers live data so you can react faster, optimize your offerings, and stay ahead of the curve based on up-to-the-date customer behavior.

Scalable Decision by
Flexible Insights

PLUS INSIGHT seamlessly scales alongside your business. Analyze data from multiple cameras, vast spaces, and connected branches. No matter your size or location, make data-driven decisions for sustainable growth.

Privacy First, Insights Delivered: Leverage Ethical AI

PLUS INSIGHT prioritizes privacy and regulation about that. Our on-device Vision AI model analyzes customer behavior anonymously, delivering valuable insights without compromising data security.  Embrace the power of AI with complete peace of mind.

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Amplify Your Success
with Authentic Insights

Unlike footfall analytics, PLUS INSIGHT captures real customer interactions.
Analyze where customers linger, what products attract them, and how they navigate your store layout.

Optimize Your Store Layout
with Actionable Insights

PLUS INSIGHT delves deeper than just sales figures. It analyzes real customer behavior, revealing valuable insights about how people navigate your store. This includes:

Traffic Patterns

Understand how customers move through your space, identifying areas
with high foot traffic and potential bottlenecks.

Engagement Zones

See where customers linger (dwell points) and what areas capture their attention (gaze points). This helps identify areas for product promotion
or display optimization.

Product Interaction

Analyze which products customers pick up and examine (pick points).
Identify potential missed sales opportunities or areas where product placement can be improved.

Optimize Every Step
of the Customer Journey

PLUS INSIGHT goes beyond just understanding customer movement; it helps you optimize the entire customer journey. Here's how:

Funnel Analysis

Identify where customers drop off in the buying process (visit to stay, gaze to pick). This helps you understand which areas need improvement to convert visitors into paying customers.

Zone Optimization

Analyze which products customers pick up and examine(pick points). Identify potential missed sales opportunitiesor areas where product placement can be improved.


What is anonymization and why does it matter?

While removing Personally Identifiable Information (PII), the Anonymizer preserves data quality that is equivalent to the original. Once data is anonymized, it becomes invisible to the human eye but visible to the AI, allowing users to train actual ML models while ensuring individual privacy.The most significant difference only the Anonymizer brings is the fact that it develops machine learning models without using the original data.

What makes Plus Insight different from any other services?

The fact that PLUS INSIGHT enables multiple tracking through multiple cameras makes it unique and beneficial. Our technology is able to recognize and process multiple cameras at once based on anonymized AI, tracking continuously in large square areas without section division of footage.Moreover, all collected data is expressed through a web-based customized dashboard that is optimized for customer usage and fast response speed.

What is the price plan?

It differs according to the site, camera, or type of analysis required.Contact our sales team for more information.

Does it only apply to retail business?

No, our solution is not restricted to certain industries. PLUS INSIGHT can be deployed to both indoor and outdoor places, such as construction sites and many more!

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